
My chiliean rose hair trantula molted,.. is it possible that she?

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she molted but she looks like she could have molted into a male becasue she was a lot bigger before and now she has the body of a male..can they change sexes like that?




  1. If she was a juvenile, then it may not have been a she, but an immature male.. You can check the inside of the molt and know for sure what s*x she is.

    Here's how to do it..

    Then you'll know for sure. But, all of my tarantulas look a lot 'leggier' after a molt. If she wasn't quite fullsize yet, then she may have done some legspan growth with that molt. That would make her a bit longer legged, but also a lot thinner then she was before.

  2. Absolutely no need to panic!! No, they don't change s*x after a molt but you need to be well versed in the importance of the molt to spiders. This is HUGELY stressful to the animal and it needs to be left alone to get on with it. This is not a "shed" like a snake would do, a molt is the spiders version and for the female also includes the lining of the sexual organs. This is a time of healing too, lost legs, scars, bald abdomens - they are all good as new again....although the spider is quite soft at this stage and vulnerable until the cuticle hardens.

    So, don't worry - it sounds like your girl has done a fine job!!

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