
My chinchilla's foot is bleeding, what do I do?

by  |  earlier

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My chinchilla had a wire mesh wheel in his cage, but I took it away after I found it was the cause of his foot injury. His toes are okay, but I figure a piece of rough callus got caught and peeled off, resulting in a nasty wound.

Every few days, I find blood in his cage now. He's acting fine, but I'm still worried. If there's anything I can do to help his recovery, I would love to know!


>He has a solid bottom cage, four stories. Each level has solid plastic bottoms so he has something to rest his feet on.

>I've turned him over on my lap and seen the scab on the bottom of his foot. It's one of his rear feet, not the toes, towards the back on the padding of his foot.

>I have not changed his diet, bedding, or introduced him to any new chinchillas. He is a single male.

What can I put on his foot to help it heal?

Should I put anything on it?

Will it heal perfectly on its own?

How long should I expect until it's healed?

How much does it normally bleed in the mean time?




  1. It sounds like he has bumblefoot. I would get him to a vet and get him some antibiotics.

    Why you should never use a wired floored cage.. BUMBLEFOOT

    Bumblefoot can be caused by a bacterial infection (usually staphylococcus aureus) that gets into a leision or pressure-sore on the foot and causes an abscess.

    Staphylococcus aureus is present almost everywhere but if it gets somewhere that it shouldn't it can cause problems. Walking on a wire floor cage can aggravate the condition further but it seems that big, heavy chins are more prone. The "bumbles" can bleed very heavily and if left untreated the infection may spead into the bone and/or bloodstream. The affected animal may also become anaemic due to the continued bloodloss.

    Bumblefoot is extremely hard to treat once it becomes chronic. Antibiotics, both systemic and topical are essential, together with a chlorhexidine solution wash for the feet (not at the same time as you apply the topical antibiotics). The entire cage benefits from being cleaned daily, as it is important to keep the environmental bacterial count low.

    Infected chinchillas should not be kept in an all-wire cage. Cages should be furnished with wooden platforms and shelves to give the chinchilla ample opportunities to get off the wire. Soft bedding such as care fresh should be used.

    A good diet is also important. Overweight chins can be encouraged to lose a little weight, by feeding a little less, and by feeding NO treats.

    Anti-inflammatory pain killers, such as Metacam, can be administered to painful, chronic cases. It is important to rigorously stick to the treatment regimen to ensure that the condition at best, improves or at worst, stops the bumbles from bleeding regularly.

  2. if you find any blood on the foot just pat it dry otherwise there is nothing you can do except let it heal.

  3. put a band- aid LOL jk. No u should take him to the vet so they can properly treat it.

  4. you can put neosprom on them but itll heal on its own.  neosporm will help it heal faster probably.  and itll be healed when its healed

  5. First of all, get RID of the wire wheel!  You're lucky your chinchilla's foot os only bleeding.  Chinchilla BREAK legs and LOSE legs on wire wheels ALL THE TIME.  Get a solid wheel made of metal.

    Second, get RID of the plastic shelves!!!  Chinchillas will eat plastic and it can be FATAL. And don't say, "He doesn't chew on them."  Because eventually he will decide to, and if he eats what he nibbles off, it'll kill him.

    Finally, you say it has 'Been a few days'.  If it is still open and bleeding after several days you should have already taken your chinchilla to the vet.

    Don't put Neosporin on it.  If the chinchilla decides to l**k it off, it could be toxic.

    Just take your chinchilla to the vet and do it a favor by throwing away your spinning death trap.  Spend 20 whole dollars and buy a wheel from here:

    Chuck the plastic and buy some kiln-dried pine and build your own shelves.

  6. My chin has been biting his foot wear you said yours is bleeding so i am very worried and know how you feel! I have a pet emergency kit and you should make one too! This is an important supply you need to get, !!! Also get rid of that wheel and buy this, my chin loves it and before it tipped over but then I took the bottom off and then unscrewed the back and screwed it on the cage!

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