
My chinchilla just had a piece of corn, is that bad?

by  |  earlier

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I noticed on their pellet bag it said corn free....

But it was in the bag of pellets that we got when they came, so they've been eating it for awhile probably. (don't worry, I didn't switch the pellets on them without warning, I mixed them)

I'm just worried it might hurt her.

will it?




  1. no w2ay it is a problem

  2. no

  3. A little bit is not likely to hurt, but it should be avoided in the future. Check and make sure her p**p is still coming out and if it has good consistency. If so, she should be fine if the corn is taken away.

    With my chins, I always check the lables and look at the product just to make sure. Even when something says it is for a chin, I am usually quite suprised to find that it does have corn in it. Corn can cause painful gas, an upset stomach, bloating, and impact the digestive system causing constipation (and i have actually seen constipation result in the chin's a**s popping out of it's behind). Corn has a tendency to have aflatoxins which cause over growth of yeasts in the body and interfere with vitamin absorbtion also   This can be deadly! Since chins have very delicate digestive systems in the first place, things that place undue stress on them should be avoided at all times.

    Regarding the bedding, you should stay away form it because if they eat it, it can have the same effect. I tend to only use pine bedding. They do have that cardboard type bedding which is also good, but expensive.

  4. Dont know. Call your vet.

  5. The only problem I've noticed with any animal eating corn is that it could impact their bowels and make it hard to go to the bathroom. But that takes a long, long time to make a problem.

    She'll be okay. :]

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