
My chinchillas got into their treat bag. will they be okay?

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yeah, another chonchilla question. I'm a doting mother. haha

anyways, they have dandelion drops I bought at petco which they get a half of one every few days. But last night, since I keep the bag on top of the cage (a mistake I'll never make again) they pulled it through the covering and ate about 10-15 treats all together.

Do I need to take them to the vet or anything?

One of them is already a little bloated from before, which I don't know why. =/ and he didn't seem sick.

I'm just worrying they'll get sick or something.




  1. They may get a little sick but only sick as so they puke wich they may not you do not need to take em to the vet since they will only puke (the already bloated one may puke even more) but your chinchillas will be fine, but if they ate some of the bag you should wait 1-2 days to make sure nothing bad comes from this

    hope i helped


  2. First of all Chinchillas are unable to vomit. Your chinchillas should be okay as long as they didn't eat the bag. Plastic is not metabolized well by chinchillas and could cause a blockage. The treats though could cause diarrhea so you should be watching out for that. I would recommend cleaning the cage so that you can make sure they are pooing and urinating normally. Also tonight feed only a small amount of pellets and unlimited hay. Make sure they are acting normal; running wheels, jumping around and eating. If the bloating doesn't go away, they stop eating, or are lethargic take them to the vet. If they get diarrhea you can treat it with a combination of children s kaopectate and small  animal bene bac ( available at petco or petsmart) They kaopectate will sooth the stomach and get rid of the diarrhea. The bene bac will help by giving them a boost of good bacteria. If the diarrhea gets bad you can also give unflavored pedialite to help prevent dehydration. So take a deep breath relax and just watch and see most likely they will be fine

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