
My chow has HORRIBLE breath!?

by  |  earlier

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Hey guys,

my 13 year old chow chow has the worst case of bad breath ever! it is starting to make some of our house smell too.

i am not sure if it is the new joint medicine that the vet put him on that has been making his breath smell (sorry, i dont know the name of the meds off the top of my head). i doubt its his food since he's been eating the same kind since like forever.

being that he is 13, it's not going to be easy to "brush" his teeth and he is rather stubborn in his old age...other than the rope in broth trick, is there anything else i could try?...would it be okay to mix in a little bit of mouthwash in with his water?

thanks guys!

thanks guys!




  1. Buy some dog mints for him. That should help


  2. I haven't had any problems with my chow chow.

  3. buy dog mints my dog used to have bad breath

    the mints help

  4. Get your vet to check his mouth and teeth for infection. Bad breath is a symptom of dental disease and other conditions. Royal Canin make an toothpaste with enzymes that can help prevent tartar build up on their teeth without the need for brushing. The toothpaste is palatable so it wont be difficult to get your dog to take it.

    No don't put mouthwash in your dogs water.there are minty dog treats and breath fresheners on the market ...Pets at Home sell many of these.

    Good Luck

    I hope this helps


  5. Don't put mouthwash in his water!  Dogs can't eat mouthwash, he will swallow it.

    Buy some dog tooth paste and spread it on a doggie biscuit, as he chews it the biscuit will act sort of like a toothbrush.

  6. It may be time for his dental cleaning at the vets office.  

  7. Please take your dog to a vet immediately.

    Horrible breath is a very good sign of renal failure and only a vet can rule that out, It's a serious condition to have so please take it seriously.

  8. take him to the vet and have the vet look in his mouth, sounds to me like he has some DENTAL DISEASE so you should let them check it out, he might have a really bad infection and maybe have to get some extractions.

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