
My church....?

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joined with the other churches in down and built a homeless shelter. I went there yesterday with to help out everyone working on the project. In one day, we moved furniture in, finished the landscaping, and installed all the technolgy. Today we made the beds, set up the offices, put extra things (sheets, pillows, blankets, toilet paper, shampoo, soap, etc) in the storage rooms, etc. We are complelty finished except the "playroom". It litterally has yellow walls, beautiful white trim, and a nice comfy white carpet. Other then that, it's nothing! They told me I get that job because I have 5 kids of all ages. How do you think I should do it?




  1. Make the room look lively and bright. Put in some suitable toys for all ages, maybe even a large playpen. hope this helps!

  2. If you go to Target, you can get a little projector for about $15 that projects viewmaster discs on the walls.  You can trace them with a marker and put all kinds of pictures up to make the room more kid-friendly.  Set up the room in "centers".  Maybe if you have video games available, put that on the opposite side of the room from the children's books so they don't disturb each other.    make sure there's a place for art (maybe easels, or just paper stuck to the wall with crayons and markers so they can draw), maybe even an art gallery for finished products. and educational toys as well as just "fun stuff".  Other than that, my best advice is to get your kids to help you with ideas.  All of them.  Five kids of different ages can give you a perspective from different age groups on what would be fun.    

    Good luck, and good for you for trying to make your community a better place.

  3. I think you should tell them you have five kids, so you don't need any extra projects!  :)

  4. Have like tebby bears or somthing cute and soft painted on the walls. Have little tabels and chairs and a kitchen set for the kids, book cases, even make little "menus" and they could have a small resturrant and have plastic food (you can buy it at Walmart in a little basket for like 4 bucks) Hope this helps. Goos luck. :)

  5. Do you have a budget or are you relying upon donations?

    I think the first thing would be to figure that part out! ;-)

    If you are relying upon donations, then start by drafting a letter for the churches to send out asking for gently used, intact toys, tables, chairs and art supply items.  Perhaps the churches could put a notice in their newsletter.

    Next, register for the freecycle group in your area.  People give away perfectly good things for children all the time, and they are especially glad to donate things to shelters.  

    Next, consider approaching local toy stores for donations.  You might be surprised that they are happy to donate things, especially if they get a thank-you note on official church or shelter letterhead that they can post up in their businesses showing that they did a nice thing.

    If I was setting up that kind of playroom I would start with a kid-sized table and chairs (or more than one if you have the room)  That would give the kids a surface to do crafts or build things on.  I would include a book shelf and put children's books for all ages on the shelves, from early readers on the bottom shelf all through middle school books on the upper shelves.  I would make sure to bracket that bookshelf into the wall so roughhousing kids wouldn't knock it over. Some shelves with bins would be great for toys that should be kept together, like a bin for leggos, a bin for plastic dinosaurs, etc.  A corkboard for hanging art work would be nice, and some upper shelves for toys or supplies that shouldn't be used without an adult supervision, like paint, glue and anything sticky or messy.

  6. I think you should decorate in something that both boys and girls like. Such as Disney characters, or Loony Toons, you know something along those lines.

  7. First, it is not your church, it is the body you fellowship with.

    Christians are the Lord's chuech.

    You never specified what job you mean and most people in answers do not like to assume they know.

    This is a heads up for everyone, please proof read your questions, and if they do not make sense to you, they will not to us either.

  8. Kids like lots of bright colours & interesting shapes.

    I'd hesitate to turn your kids loose with paint brushes.

    But, you could tape up wrapping paper & let them paint on it.

    Or get each kid to draw a design first, of what they would like.

    Typical ideas would be houses, trees, animals, flowers, etc.

    You could also cut shapes out of bristol board & tack up.

  9. i dont know what your asking. edit

  10. First I might ask them to reconsider that white carpet in a kids playroom. It will not stay white for very long. Then I would just use  lots of brightly colored toys and chairs

  11. Lots of toys seperated in containers with labels, and arranged in stations based on ages...

  12. Well if there is going to be different aged children combined I would try to divide the room. Then I would put age appropriate toys where you want them on shelves and kept down low so the children can access them. Give them the option of books have a table where the older children can do crafts. Also a shelf needs to be put up so only adults can get to it to store bubbles art supplies and stuff like that. If you know someone that can paint murals a nice child friendly mural would be nice as well if not hang pictures and posters. Make it look inviting and a happy place to be. I would also throw some bean bag chairs in there and have a reading area as well. The possibilities are endless. Have fun with it. I'm sure it will turn out great.
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