
My clarinet is rusted???

by  |  earlier

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i recently bought a buffet e-11 clarinet last month and a half ago and i saw that it had weird orangy-brownsh stains on the keys and looks like oxidation. its a wooden clarinet. i also saw it on my ligature. what is it and is there anything thats takes it off?




  1. Take it to a music store and they will help you.

    I play the Clarinet to!!!

  2. Well, if it's oxidation, just grab some silver polish and a soft rag or q-tip.  Careful not to get any on the body or the pads!

    It may also be that since your keys are nickel or silver plated,  the plating is chipping off.  If this is the case (it looks like paint is chipping... can you scratch off more with your fingernail?), you should still have a warranty... take it back to the music store or call the company you bought it from... you should get a free replacement (+/-SH).

    Good luck! :)

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