
My close friend passed away in January?

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Is there anyone that has experience communicating with the departed? I want to know if he is trying to tell me something?




  1. I'm sorry you lost your friend, but he's gone.  He's not hanging around trying to talk to you through people who will try to guess the first letter of his name, or moving objects around.  Really, that's a horribly depressing idea of the afterlife.  I'd rather just be gone.

    People who claim to talk to the dead are scam artists who prey on the gullible and emotionally vulnerable.  Don't give them money.

  2. I'm sorry to hear of your loss.

    For centuries many people have claimed to have the ability to communicate with those who are no longer living.  To those who are convincing it has proved to be a lucrative enterprise.  People like Sylvia Browne and John Edward have made a fortune off these so-called talents.  Because the people they speak with are desperate and want to speak with lost loved ones so badly, they overlook the shortcomings of such mediums.  Browne and Edward take advantage of the bereaved by selling them a story, but under scrutiny these people are exposed for the frauds they are.  Please take the time to read about the tricks these predators pull:

  3. If you really are serious about contacting your friend,go to and look for P.Williams in the paranormal/occult/area or maybe you can type his name in and find him on the site.He talks with the dead.I didn't really trust it at first and thought I was going to lose my money but I paid 25 dollars for the reading and he told me things nobody else would of known,about a dearly departed.All you tell him is the name of the person,everything else he told me was right and it helped me in some way with my grief.

  4. not all people stick around after they die. its mostly when they have a violent or shocking death, or there is an unresolved issue. if your friend didnt expirence any of this, there is a good chance he moved on

    sorry for your loss

  5. Often things happen "when you least expect it," but being so soon you may still be a bit numb and not emotionally receptive enough to notice yet.

    I am completely against the idea of people feeling they need so-called "psychics" or "mediums" to talk to *their own* loved ones.

    Perhaps just talk to him, if he's around maybe he'll hear, and maybe ask him to give you a sign one day if he's able, something that you will be sure to notice.

  6. I believe there can be contact with the departed. The best way is lay down on your bed, total quiet....have a tape recorder going...called EVP, a voice activated one. Ask simple questions....give about 5 seconds between each question. See if the tape has anything. Sometime unresolved issues will manifest in communication. Im sorry for your loss.

  7. I may be able to help you.

    pm me-I am terribly busy but will try my hardest to see to you.

  8. I'd like to caution you that scam artists really try to take advantage of distraught people who are trying to cope with the loss of a loved one. These people say they can contact the departed, but honestly there is no compelling evidence for this. There certainly is a lot of fraud going around, though. I'm very sorry for your loss, but the deceased are gone except in our memories. Perhaps the best course of action is to begin living with the knowledge that he has passed and always keep his memory alive.

  9. when my father past..he was visiting me..i don't have to tell you it was Little scary..finally i asked him what he wanted..he told me in a dream and has not been back..yes,i think your friend has something to tell you...simply ask him what it is...

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