
My close mate told me today...

by  |  earlier

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that he wakes up with blood in his boxers, hes really worried about it. And wont go to the doctors in case he has cancer because his grandad had it.

Any ideas what it could be?




  1. did SHE get her period?

  2. yeah i dont have any ideas for your friend.  Wait heres one, go to the doctor!  You dont go to the doctor and you get cancer, you will die.  if you friend wants 2 live he will go to the doctor.  

  3. ugh! force him to go to the doc man. he could have a bunch of things. it could be cance or a very serious urinary tract infection. if its an infection it'll get worse over time and soon he could need kidney transplants.

  4. Id be scared stiff if id woke up that. U need to tell his parents or u need to make him go to the docs it may affect him havin kids or damage his p***s in the future.  

  5. Your mate needs to get in to the doctor right away.  If he's leaking blood in his sleep he's hurt internally.  His avoidance of this because of his fear of a cancer diagnosis is irrational.  If he has cancer, not knowing about it will not make it go away.  Knowing about it and getting treatment may make it go away.  It could be any number of other things, but treatment is needed without delay.  This problem will get worse the longer he waits to take care of it.

  6. sounds like he is masterbating until all that is left to come out is blood. weird mate. I just had s*x with a turtle. Thought u wanted to know.

  7. Front or back of the boxers???

    Your friend should really see a doctor because there is no way anyone here can tell you for sure what is going on.  An exam is needed.

    Ok, front of boxers...sounds like an infection, but like I said, no one can be sure without an exam.  Urine tests needs to be run.

    I still suggest seeing a doctor ASAP...Like TODAY!

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