
My clothes smell bad...Help! :(?

by Guest63100  |  earlier

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I'm 35 weeks pregnant and all of my pregnancy clothes are to dry flat. But they take so much time to dry (the fabric being pretty thick) that they pick up that smell of "forgotten in the dryer". I do use fabric softener that has a great smell and I tried letting them to dry outside, but it didn't dry any faster and they still stink...

I tried everything I could think of. I can't put them in the dryer or else they might shrink (and with me growing bigger by the minute, it's not a good idea)

Any one has an idea? a trick?




  1. Use vinegar as a liquid fabric softener. Once the smell is in the clothing it will stay there until you use something to remove it (it will be very subtle but it is there and a cover-up won't do). Baking soda in the wash will help remove the odor. A little chlorine bleach will also help. Be careful with this. Fill the wash half full then add a small amount of bleach. You are not trying to bleach the clothes, you are disinfecting.

    Once the odor is removed make sure to: 1) use a high spin cycle to remove as much water as possible 2) wash early in the day so you can dry your clothes out of doors, turn them a couple of times through out the day for an even dry 3) use the air-dry cycle if you are drying indoors.

    The most important thing is to get the odor out. This will take special treatment of your items. Otherwise you will not get the results you want.  

  2. we used ferbreze for laundry and hang your clothes on hangers I dry my husbands shirts that way no dryer

  3. The absolute best laundry saver is to add 1/4 of a cup of regular old household baking soda (the kind you keep in your kitchen) to each load of laundry you do (yes, even bleach loads!).

    Baking soda is a natural deodorizer, and, not only does it make the clothing smell fresh, but, because of its composition, it also softens the water and helps your detergent to work more effectively.  And -- it's inexpensive!!

    Good luck!

  4. what if you let your clothes air dry and then when they are completely dry throw them in the dryer for about 10 minutes with a dryer sheet and they shouldnt shrink and they will smell good!

  5. I hang dry most of my clothes and do not have this problem. I would guess that your washer does not spin the water well enough out of your clothes. Try running them through an extra spin cycle. Also you could try adding white vinegar to the rinse cycle or just put it in your fabric softener cup. I know vinegar does not smell good but the vinegar smell dissapates and makes things smell clean. It also will soften the clothes. Not 2 rinse cycles... 2 spin cycles!

  6. I use OxyClean.  There have been a few times I forgot some clothes in the washer and WOW they were stinky!  OxyClean or white vinegar takes the smell out every time.  

    If you live in a humid environment, it may take too long for your clothes to dry before they sour.  Make sure you are putting them on a drying rack so the air can circulate under them too.  Try aiming a fan towards the clothes.

    Good luck.

  7. Check your washer and make sure that it is rinsing well and removing the water. Use vinegar in your rinse load, hand the clothes out on the line, and complete the Wash in the dryer for 5 Min's.

  8. maybe put the washer on the spin cycle again? its suppose to wring it out even more.

  9. You may be over soaping, use less.  Then put in the dryer, no or low heat with dryer sheets for the odor. Finish drying on the line or flat.

  10. put them in the dryer just for like 15 mins with 2 fabric softener sheets then hang em up to dry

    and if that doesnt work...body spray?  sorry


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