
My co worker and I have become close friends. I think he wants to have s*x when we get drunk.?

by  |  earlier

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We have been working together for about 6 months now and we have really become best buds. I find him very attractive. He is straight but I think that he may want to try it with a guy? He is very masculine but whenever we get drunk he begins to touch me and act differently towards me. He has even asked me to stay over at his place but I have never made a move. I just laugh it off. Is he serious. Should I make a move? Or will he freak out?




  1. hmm try to make a move cuz if hes touched u in past he wouldnt freak out!!!

  2. if he is straight, do not even think about making a move

  3. that is weird dude!!

  4. I advice you to leave this friendship because your friend is a perverted bad friend.And you must stop drinking.

  5. I'd say go for it, don't be too aggressive about it though, but try it and back off if you see him not accepting it.

  6. If you value your job, stop it now. Relationships at work always end up involving one or both of the involved parties to have to quit.  

  7. Ok, do u not realize that when he is drunk his normal thinking patterns are jumbled??  He doesn't want to be with u like that, most likely, unless he really is g*y and will only tell u when he's drunk.  Maybe try bringing up the subject but don't make it awkward between the two of you.  Don't make a move AT ALL until u know that he's g*y, too, if he even is.

  8. well you must be the g*y one not him sense you find him attractive and stuff.

    no i don't think he is g*y i think it's becuz he is drunk people are not the same when they are drunk.

    now you don't be going up to him acting all g*y trying to make a move and he is not g*y and then you lose a good friend like him ^_^.

      $$ hope i helped $$

  9. Don't EVER make a move. He might just be really friendly. He is obviously not like most ignorant straight guys and he treats you like one of the guys. Don't take advantage of that. If he knows that you are g*y than when he is ready, if ever, he will make a move. All you have to do is keep doing what your doing and being his friend. Don't make him uncomfortable unless you want to lose him as a friend. Good luck!!! Whats meant to be will be.  

  10. Whatever happens--you still will have to work with him the next day. Romance at work usually does not work. It will destroy your friendship (at whatever level you have now). Is it worth not being able to talk to him ever again?

    Remind yourself that when someone is drunk, he is someone else.  

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