
My co-worker comes to work with worn down shoes?

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what do you do? she live with her parents and always bragging about the expensive clothes she brought on the weekend. and when other co-workers have told her that her shoes are falling apart she gets upset. so how do a approach someone with a bad attitude when it comes to her shoes?




  1. why should you worry about her shoes? unless you're the supervisor and it's against work policy to dress as she does, it shouldn't concern you. maybe she really DOESN'T have expensive clothes and says it to make conversation and have friends. maybe she can't afford it. and you guys are picking on her because of it? nice...

  2. You do nothing.

    Unless you and she have a closer relationship than she has with your other co-workers (and this does not appear to be the case based on your post), she has already made it clear that she does not welcome comments about her shoes.  If they really are a problem because she works with the public, it is her boss's place to talk to her about them.

  3. Just leave her alone, truthfully I don't think what she wears for shoes applies to you.

  4. i always wear bad shoes, i just love them. i dont like the look of new shoes.

  5. She might like them because those shoes are comfortable! Sometimes the thought of breaking in a new pair is really unappealing for some people and I don't blame them especially when it's a job that requires hours on your feet. For now as long as she comes to work clean and otherwise well dressed I wouldn't worry to much about her banged up shoes.

  6. I think "the public" would have less of a problem with her shoes than with your sucky attitude.  

  7. Oh for cripes sake, mind your own business.  Seriously.

  8. I can understand that it may be letting down the overall appearance of your workplace but regardless of her shoes and her bad attitude I don't on the grand scheme of things it really matters. As long as she is competent in her job that is really all that matters. I would just ignore her if she is going on about the clothes she bought. She might even do it just to annoy others to get a reaction and then gets upset to create another reaction.  Good luck.  :)

  9. Not to be a smart ***....but why is it your business?  If it bothers the boss let the boss tell her.  

    She might brag...but it doesn't mean it is the truth.

    All of you should leave her I said...why is it your business?

  10. Why do you care what her shoes look like. Perhaps this is the best she can do for herself right now. Shame on you and your shallow co-workers. If it is bothering you so much, invite her to the mall and buy her a new pair of shoes, if not than keep your comments to yourself.  

  11. I'm confused as to why co-workers are approaching her about her shoes in the first place.

    If your managers/ bosses/ heads of the company have a problem with her shoes or anything else about her, THEY will approach her. It is not yours or your coworkers place to do anything.

    Also, for all you know she honestly may not have the money for new shoes.

    I know you mentioned that she 'brags' about the expensive clothes buys, however that could just be a front for not actually having money for new clothes or shoes.

    The fact that she lives with her parents could be an indicator of this as well (not saying you have no money if you live with your parents, just in this case it might be so.)

    So just let her go about her business in her worn down shoes, and don't lose too much sleep over it.

  12. When I was pregnant, my feet swelled up and the only shoes I had that were comfortable were this ratty pair of loafers.  I was so embarrassed when a co-worker approached me and offered me some of her shoes because she had noticed I always wore the same pair.  I had plenty of shoes at home, but it was really awkward to admit to her these were the only ones that fit me at the moment.

    My mom has foot problems and most shoes kill her with pain, so she has very few that work for her.  She wears them until they fall apart because it is such a bother for her to find shoes that fit all right.

    I guess my point is, there may be physical or personal reasons why she wears the old shoes.  Don't pry.

  13. Is really non of your business why her shoes are bothering you! your concern about her irritates me and it makes you sound like a bully!

    If you care about her you wouldn't be writing to us, you'd slip her a couple of hundreds to help her out!

  14. Why do you care how she dresses? Unless its an issue concerning professionalism, then you should leave it alone.

  15. why not approach her after a weekend, with a new pair of shoes, and rave at how much fun you had shopping for them and how expensive they were?  maybe she will take the bait.

  16. Does this really matter. If it's a problem with the dress code or her profession then her boss will confront her about it.

  17. Mention some cute shoes you saw that would be perfect for the new outfit she just told you about. Do you have to wear a uniform? Maybe she does not care about her work appearance. If appearance is not important in her job (no contact with the public) then why would she care?

    Just because she lives with her parents does not mean she has any free cash. Could she be lying about buying expensive clothes, have you seen them? Why are her shoes so important to you and your co-workers?

  18. Well maybe she doesn't have as much money as she says she does. Well I think maybe you should go out and buy her a nice pair for the closest holiday. (no! not Walmart!) By nice, I don't mean Gucci or anything. maybe like a brand like mudd.  

  19. If it's company policy that workers must dress in a presentable manner, and that involves shoes in reasonable condition then you have a right to press the issue, however you are only bothering her about it because nice shoes are a big deal for you, then maybe you just need to focus more on your job.

    Some people just like their shoes and won't buy a new pair until they find shoes that are just right to replace the old ones.

  20. there may be absolutely nothing wrong with her financial situation...

    I once worked in a beautiful Jewellery shop.... but  I do NOT like buying shoes .. even now I just hate  going shoe shopping ( i must have missed out on the Carrie Bradford Shoe-gene)..

    so when I was working in this classy little shop .. I would wear nice shoes.. I would wear nice shoes till they literally fell apart. I had this theory that if people were paying more attention to my shoes than to the item of jewellery they were looking at ... then That was their problem.

    lol I am lucky now .. I work in an entirely different area .. LOL I get to wear steel capped-boots, which are supplied by the company and have to  be replaced if they become damaged because of OHS issues.

    and I have my casual scrounge around shoes and my dressy shoes( which rarely get used) ..

    Your friend just might not like shoes.

  21. she probably cant afford them maby she buys her expensuv clothes at a second hand store. buy her some new shoes and give them to her anonumusly

  22. I have money, but for some reason I can't part with my Sambas. They are like 5 years old and very worn, but I won't buy new shoes. She may really like her shoes! Leave her alone!

  23. If it were me, I would mind my own business. Why does it bother you why her shoes are old?

    Could it be that she is suffering from low finances and low self-esteem and tries to make up for it by making up stories of fine clothing?

    Nod politely at her "new clothes" stories (whether they are true or not) and stay off the subject of her shoes. It's her business of when she decides to get new ones.  

  24. Has anyone ever thought that this person maybe trying to make herself look good but in reality she is actually poor and may not have enough money for new shoes.. Maybe some nice co-workers should be nice and either give her a gift card to get her a new pair of shoes or buy a pair for her and put her name on the box for her and give them to her anonymously. It will be a blessing to her I bet ya.  

  25. Maybe she likes that pair of shoes.   It is possible that she doesn't have the money to replace them.  I would work with her to try to get her a new pair somewhere.

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