
My co-worker leaves work every time her baby cries. How can we get her to stop doing this?

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BTW... her "baby" is three years old now. The child stays with his gramma (co-worker's mother) rather than in day care. "C" will not put the boy in day care because he was a preemie. She coddles the child and fusses over him every time he gets a bump or a sniffle. The boy was born at 35 weeks and has frequent MINOR illnesses which keeps his mom home from work A LOT. Whenever "C" 's mother calls about the boy crying, "C" is out the door-- even if the crying is simply because the boy is sleepy. This leaves the rest of us in a jam. Further, the boss refuses to do anything about it and even got mad at another co-worker who left when her husband had a serious accident. He is now in a wheelchair as a result, yet the boss still made her feel bad for leaving. "C" gets away with this constantly while no one else can.

How can we make it stop without getting fired, and believe me, we are looking for new jobs... we just don't want to get fired in the meantime!




  1. If the boss isn't doing anything about it, there is not much the rest of you are going to be able to do.

  2. wow....the kid is gonna grow up to be a hellion..perhaps all of you could get together with your boss and explain where you are all coming it as a group...she is hurting all of you...the boss if failing to realize the way is she on salary? or by the hour..cause i cant imagine she is making any money if she is by the how unproductive you all are as a result of her walking out the door every time the brat has a booboo..dont call it a brat

  3. There must be something else going on that you just don't know about. Don't judge her situation, you just never knows what happening behind closed doors.

    I would talk to your boss again, maybe he can hire someone part time to make up for the time "C" is missing.

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