
My cockateel 9mths old, is pecking himself and pulling out his feathers that much he can -not fly.?

by  |  earlier

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have given tonic also sprayed for mites




  1. Feather picking/plucking/chewing is usually response to either a physical condition or stress.  In situations where it is stress-induced, it can become habitual to the point that the feather 'follicle' is so damaged feathers stop growing at all.  The safest bet is always to take him to the vet to be sure it's not a physical irritation.  If it is stress, consider what has happened recently.  Is he spending more time alone? Are there any new members of the household? Have you moved?  Has his cage moved?  Does he have enough toys? Enough light? Balanced diet?

  2. feather picking cant kill a bird but it can make them not fly. he might be because its stressed or have itchy skin. try putting a humidifier by its cage

  3. Does your bird play in its water dish? If not try using a mist spray bottle twice a week. One of the most important things in maintaining a bird's health is bathing. It helps them in maintaining their feathers, removing dust, dander, loose feathers and moistening the skin and much more. In homes where the air is very dry where Central Heat & Air is used, skin can become very dry and bathing becomes essential.

  4. Does your cockatiel have free flight time?

    This is essential for all indoor caged birds.

    He could be bored. Cockatiels are very interactive and tame once trust is gained between bird and humans.

    Are you sure he has no mites or other parasites that are irritating him?

    Does he have lots of bird friendly toys and cuttle-bone to gnaw on?

    Is he provided with grit,and correct food.

    Do you offer him fresh fruit and salads?

    There are so many reasons your poor bird could be suffering, what he really needs is a visit to the vet!

  5. maybe he's bored then - does he have enough toys and do you interact with him lots?

  6. Your bird is Bored you are not giving it enough attention,it needs more toys.

    You could spray him with a solution of T.C.P.1.Teaspoon to 1 pnt. of warm water daily and if he has a bath put the same mix in his bath water.

    The next thing is diet,he needs Greens such as Broccoli,Kale ,Spinach,Carrots with the tops and if you can get Dandelion Leaves and seeding heads before they burst these are ideal.(Never LETTUCE)

    Apple .Pear,and Willow twigs are also good for him.

    Does he have a good supply of Cuttle-bone and a Mineral block as a deficiency in these tend to make them eat their own feathers.

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