
My cockateil Flew away Please help..

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it got out of the cage and flew away i saw it go over our gate but by the time i got out there i couldnt see which direstion it went in. My family is devastated because it was a great bird it was extremely friendly and i dont think it would do very well with wild birds. We have another cockateil who absolutly adored it and we dont know how it will react when it figures out the bird is gone. We have looked all around the complex but we couldnt see it. Does anyone know how we could find it or somehow make it fly home. It would be greatly appreciated if you help us.




  1. Sorry for your loss I have had a budgie fly away by accident we never gat him back. We put a cage in the garden with seed and things he liked and put another cage next to it with a another budgie in it put still no sign. I had about 15 budgies then, about 10 years ago,  now I have 95

    So i'm sorry he's gone

    You should have cut his flight feathers so he couldn't fly outside of your house

    I have a cockatiel that lives inside he walks around the house everyday she comes to my friends house once a week. Her flight feather were cut by a old grumpy vet 7 years ago and she's had trouble with them ever since,

    I cut them now

  2. The best hope is putting your other bird outside and let it talk or screech or sing to attract its partner to the cage.   Keep a net handy to catch the bird when he comes back.  And lots of food dishes around the cage.  Remember that the loose bird is frightened by what is going on.  He never expected to be out and about either.  Now he has to find food, shelter and such, so he may come back closer to home.  Not always a solid bet, but hope springs eternal

  3. The wife is always buying birds and before you know

    birdie again.  We have never gotten a single one to come 'home' yet.

    However, if it hasn't been gone too long and may still be close enough

    to hear the other bird, you may sit the cage out and see if the wayward

    bird will come to it.  We never lost a cockateil, only parakeets, so maybe the advanced capabilities of a cockateil will bring it home to the other bird if it hears it.

    We certainly hope so...they are wonderful birds.

  4. put his cage outside that way if he sticks around he will recognize it and go in also look around ask people go to petshops close by, What happened with my cousins one day: they were outside and a cockatiel landed on their fence they put their hand out and the bird came on it(it was a handtame bird) so they asked around no one claimed it and they kept it.

    Always clip your birds wings unless you have tiny finches or canaries. It is not cruel it prevents flyaways and most birds with clipped wings could possibly gain flight in a breeze but they wont fly for long or high they come down, I would advise to get your other tiels wings clipped in the meantime and im sure your birds will land on a fence/porch and recognize human hands and will go on them. good luck and remeber to ALWAYS clip your birds wings. My cockatiel's wings are clipped and we take her out with us sometimes and she walks around but she cant gain flight.

  5. he should stay around your house put lots of bird feeders and treats and stuff like that and maby if you luck he might come back and keep your doors or windows open and he might ramdomly fly threw oh i hope he comes back

  6. I would put the cage with the other cockateil outstide. The lost one should recognize the others whistles and calls. It should also notice its cage with food and water in it. Good luck. Just watch your other one while out in cage because of predators. Also if you have a net and see it that often works well netting it. Can reach further and higher  

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