
My cockateil still doesnt want to??

by  |  earlier

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ive tried sittin there all day next to her cage talkin 2 her an whistlin but she still isnt making a noise i also put my hand in with food in it and she will not take it! i just dont no wat to do! can somebody help me... please :) i would be very gratefull x




  1. its trust. you need to spend alot of time with her often

  2. How long have you had her? Birds can take a while to learn to trust you. My girl cockatiels trusted me the first day i got her and she learned to sing very quickly. Just keep whistling and talking to her. Also pick her up and just hold her or put her on your shoulder so she can get used to being around and on you! Hope that helps! :)

  3. you can get her one of those battery perches that record sound and the cockatiel will probably learn the sound

  4. Try putting a toy in that resembles a bird it worked for me but its a double edged sword once they start you cant shut em up x

  5. I had same problem when i got my cockateil so i made his food    and water open and in two or three day he will eat. It will take a long time for him to talk.

                       GOOD LUCK

  6. Neither did mine until he was allowed to come out, even though I spent hours talking to him before that and he alsways backed away from my hand in his cage.

    Once he was out for a couple of hours every evening he learned to come and sit either n my head or shoulder and began to take small pieces of fruit etc from my lips, very gently I might add.

    He was always wary of hands, not really sure why, although he would hop onto my arm quite happily. maybe it is a cockatiel hing, or maybe they associate it with handled and ringed etc when young.

    I hope you have the time to give your bird a break from her cage now and again and iyou will see that she will find her voice and be happy to come to you.

    I used to alk away to mine while in the kitchen and he was out in the living rom, so that he was looking for me when i went back in.

    They hate silence so I used to always leave either the tv on or music playing, plus a light on if after dusk when I was coming back in.

    Good luck with her, sme of them don't actually try to speak or whistle for a number of years so a tremendous amount of patience is needed.

  7. uhhmm how long have you had your cockatiel cuz it seems like youve only had like for two or three days.When shes eating you have to leave her be.When she is done eating,thats when you go and sing,talk to her.It took me at least a month for my bird to eat off of my hand hand.Your bird needs to trust you and your hand cuz how would you feel if someone that was very very very huge suddenly put their hands in you house wouldnt you be afraid?Make sure when your trying to have her feed off of your hand,NEVER RAPIDLY chase her around her cage,that will lose her trust with you,move your hand slowly.At first she will just stay away but SLOWLY just keep chasing her with your hand.Then she may get some interests into it if shes very hungry.

    GOOD lUCK:]

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