
My cockatiel cage is big but has on 1 perch a cuttle bone things and a mirrior i feel it can be better?

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any suggestiongs of how i can make it nicer for my bird and entertaining




  1. You definately need at least 2 more perches.  I would go with either cajeput, alderwood, manzanita, or dragonwood.  All are great for exercising feet and beaks, and are easy for your bird to grip.  You also need a lot more toys.  I'd go ahead and add around 3-4 permitting space.  You may want to add a swing instead of another perch since most smaller parrots love their swings.  You might add a ladder, but that isn't too important.  A cozy corner or happy hut might also add some comfort to your bird's cage.

  2. A large variety of perches can be very helpful to the bird. Their feet can get very sore from always sitting on the same perch. If they have different sizes they can move so their feet change position. It's also helpful to have a good amount of different toys. I find that my birds enjoy bells, and beads alot. Things that are interactive are good for your bird. If you re-arrange the cage every two weeks or at least once a month it will keep them from becoming very bored. If your bird is hand tame it is good to get them out on a regular bases. The more you get them out the more attatched to you they will become, which helps them to be more interractive with YOU. I had a hand tame bird that became extremly interractive with me, to the point where he would crawl up and down my arms, whistle back at me, give me kisses on comand, and dance with me. A bird becomes much more fun once in this stage.

      Hope I have been help to you...

  3. You need a perch with a nail file feel to it (for the nails), a twig perch with different widths (to excerice the feet), a toy he can destroy and a toy that holds up for a while.  Hope I helped!

  4. you can get all kinds of cute toys for small birds at any pet store. or you could take an empty toilet paper roll (unscented and without a lot of glue on it) and hide the tiels favorite treat in it and twist the ends so he can forage for the treat. He (or she, I don't know why we always assume all animals are "he") might like one of those little wooden ladders to climb. they also have ladders with grit on the rungs that supposedly help keep the nails and beak conditioned.

  5. put more toys toys and more toys.put toys that can be chewed on and destroyed.put atleast two perches both differant sizes.this will make the bird get entertainment.also giving it fruits and veggies each day will make the bird healthier.

  6. i would get your cockateil an variety o BRIGHTLY  colored toys like at the petco or petsmart, maybe 3 or 4 more toys for him and he might feel alittle better while he is in his cage when you are gone. but when you put it in his cage he  will pick his  faivorite perch and toys but just let them pick what he wants but since my bird lives alone (wothout another cockateil) he LOVES the mirrors and likes to whistle to himself when he is alone. he is alittle more talkitive too!!

    does it work??

  7. You need at least two perches of different sizes and textures, for example, one natural wood and one sandy perch. You also need to have at least two toys in there, one preferrably of wood.

    I mean get rid of the wooden dowels that usually come with cages and get something like Manzanita or Ribbonwood. It is healthy for their feet and beak and they like to strip the bark off (the ones that have it anyway). You can get them at Petsmart, Petco, or just type in Manzanita and it will bring up differnt sites.

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