She must of got hurt while in the cage somehow, i didnt realize until i noticed blood spattered on my wall and in the bird bath, i can't see a cut or nothing since the blood has dried over the feathers. i sprayed the area with water to clear up some of the dry blood and she didnt seem to like it. What should i do? Should i be concernred? i read other people's question's and on yahoo answers, but everyone seems to say "take it to the vet" i cant really afford to, is there any home remedies? Should i just watch over her, incase she bleeds more? Then i can take her to the vet tommorow in the morning before work. I think if it was bleeding, her entire bottom would be soaked in blood. Im not sure what to do since i have not been in this type of situation before. It's too late to take her to a avian vet. She's asleep now.... Awwww, i feel bad! =-( Please help. Thanks in advance guys!!!