
My cockatiel hisses when I put the cover on him. Is he okay?

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My cockatiel hisses when I put the cover on him. Is he okay?




  1. My cocatiel does that sometimes too.  I think it's just because he wants more attention and he doesn't realize that it's time to get some sleep and to stop playing.  He's probably OK.

  2. mines does the same thing....but when i cover him his already i guess it just scares them?? its not a big worry though!

  3. My mom and dad's cockatiel does the same thing.  She's like a toddle who wanted to stay up longer and play and socialize with her people.  I guess some birds just don't like being put to bed! :)

  4. That's normal. My cockatiel would not only hiss, he'd even try to tear the cover off the cage. Sometimes he succeeded! I guess he didn't feel like going to sleep.

  5. He probably doesnt like the dark or isnt used to the sudden change of light. maybe keep part of the blanket off the cage until he gets used to it, then slowly pull it over.

  6. Its bc he's pissed. lol Mine does the same thing, sometimes when you go to grab him, or cover his cage, he will hiss. He's just mad bc he doesen't to go to sleep or he doesen't like the dark. :) haha he will probably get over it with time..

  7. Your tiel probably doesn't think he should go to bed yet.  But birds should get a good 10 hours sleep per nite.  They also don't seem fond of being in total darkness, they can have night frights.  This is when they thrash around the cage in a panic and can hurt themselves.  I use night lights and cover the cage on three sides at night.

  8. He is fine, not to worry.

    Is his way to tell you he's abit ticked off at you for covering him.

    Try covering him at night at about the same time.

    Talk to him, tell him something like Time For Bed, Let's Go To bed.

    He will catch on to what that means, plus may well say it to you at night, my birds do.

    Make it a pleasant experience, not punishment and he will soon accept it.

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