
My cockatiel is laying eggs can she get pregnant again? just rigth away????

by  |  earlier

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should i remove the male bird and let the female do it by her self to awoid endless amounts of eggs???




  1. they only way ur hen will keep laying is if u keep removing the eggs. we need more detail do u want chicks? do u have a best box? if not where is she laying?

    from the first egg being laid they then lay every 2nd day and if u remove an egg then they will replace it. if she doesnt stop laying eggs she will get very weak but obvioualy it depends on what you mean.

  2. Hi,

    No leave the male in as he will do his share of the incubation and will feed the chicks so he is vital.

    Anyway the female will only lay a few eggs mine normally lay about 4-5 and about 3 out of them hatch. But if your hen lays anymore than this then i would recommend you take them away as the birds won't be able to raise all of them if they all hatch.

  3. If you don't want little birds then remove the male, however she may still lay eggs from time to time. It just means she's well fed and happy.

  4. Yes tiels often lay one clutch as soon as the last one is weaned.    Don't remove the male as this will increase the stress on the female by her having to raise the chicks on her own.   Once the chicks are a couple of weeks old start reducing the amout of light the birds get a day of 10hrs or less (cover the cage if needed)  and remove the nesting box as soon as the chicks have fledged.  This will discourage her from laying another clutch.  

    With tiels don't remove the eggs while she is still laying the clutch even if you don't want babies.  Tiels will contiune laying to replace eggs that are removed.    If you don't want chicks after she is done laying remove the eggs and do the steps above.

  5. Are you trying to raise baby birds?  Does she have a nesting box?  If you're trying to raise birds then leave the male in the cage. Both parents will take care of the babies.  Otherwise remove the eggs if you don't want to raise babies or if they might not be fertile. Also, remove the male to prevent possible future matings (assuming they are actually mating).

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