
My cockatiel is panting a lot with its eyes closed and sitting in the same spot?

by  |  earlier

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it(i dont know if its a boy or girl) is panting a lot and i dont know whats wrong. it is with two other cockatiels, a girl and what i think is a boy, but i dont know whats wrong and i need help!!!




  1. more details, is the cage small, foods, because it might have been flying around because my birds do that to, if its only recently started to heppen in the last 10mins!

  2. Your bird sounds ill and in respiratory distress.  Please take it to an avian vet immediately.  


  3. Search cockatiel info online. There are lots of sites with all kind of information on tiels .

  4. Soounds very ill. Could be she is trying to pass egg. Eggbound? Keep her warm and quite and get her to vet asap as they can express the egg if it is that and save her. Could also be a respiratory problem which requires immediate help. Good luck  

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