
My cockatiel is very mean?

by  |  earlier

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my mom's friend owns TONS of birds, and a few weeks ago she gave us a cockatiel.

she said she gave us the nice one, but he is SO mean.

we don't want to give him away because we've grown onto him after only a few weeks.

everyday i get him out, and put him on his cage and let him look around and i'll put him on my shoulder, but sometimes he nips, and usually it doesn't hurt, but every time you try to touch him, i mean BARELY touch his tail feathers he screams and squawks like i'm hurting him. so i'll stop touching him, and put him back on his cage, and he'll turn to face me and i can move my hand to my hair to move it out of the way from my face and he will scream his head off, and i'm not even near him!

sometimes when he bites, he bites down HARD he's made my finger bleed and my mom's bleed.

i've heard thumping them on the beak tames them, but i'm just not sure about that, so i didn't do it because i'm afraid it might make him meaner.

i'll put him on my finger and try moving towards him to kiss him but i'm scared he'll bite my lip and wont let go! i had him on my shoulder and i pushed my hair behind my ear and he moved closer to my ear..and bit it!

only way i can get him to let go of my skin is blowing on him.

he really hurts when he bites down hard, and i do have a cat, but my cat is terrified of the bird and wont come near him.

i just don't know what to do :/




  1. DONT THUMP HIS BEAK THAT CAN KILL HIM . my female  does the same she hates being tuched. let him out more and longer give him a treat when you put him bake in his cage.he shold have stuf for him in the cage like a mirro a swing bell ropes ect   good luck  


  3. put your head up to him and give him a rub. he'll get used to it and then try your hands. my cockatiel used to be scared of my hands but now she's doing fine.

  4. maybe he is not trusting you yet, do not touch him until he gets to know you better, let him go on your shoulder, don't pull your hair back, i have a male cockatiel that will go on my finger, will let me kiss his beak quickly, but screams if i try to touch him or remove him until he is ready, he likes to clean himself when he is on me, so i leave him be, and he is an older bird, he doesn't want to be bothered

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