
My cockatiel just laid a egg in the food bowl.We moved her and egg out of the cage to small cage with boxpape

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we put her in cage with small cardboard box and cut up newspaper what do we do now help!!!




  1. If she has not been bred dispose of the egg and make sure she has plenty of food to replace the vitamins and mineral lost from the egg making and laying process.  Also expect it to happen again from time to time a lot of birds and reptiles will lay eggs when they hit sexual maturity.  If you did breed then you should already know what to do otherwise you shouldn't be breeding

  2. why would you move it??

  3. well if she has mated that means it is a live egg (probably) but if she jsut lives alone there is nothing going to be in that egg she will prtect it and jsut let her she is not going to have a baby cockateil TRUST ME

  4. That was a bad Idea!!!!! I am a vet so I know what to do. Keep the box with the egg in your bird cage with your cockatiel because she will need to help keep the egg warm. Your bird needs to be with the egg before it haches because when it haches it will take the baby bird it as its own. So keep the egg with your bird and it should be fine!

  5. Just let her take her course. I have 13 cockatiels that were born in my house. They know what they are doing. If there is no male, then take the egg out, it will rot.

  6. well is there a boy around if not them put her back and throw out the egg

    call a local pet store to find out more

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