
My cockatiel just laid eggs. They are not fertilized so there will be no babies. Should I pull them out?

by Guest56041  |  earlier

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If I should, when? We thought the bird was male but since it is nearly impossible to really know for sure we just assumed. But, now we know we have a girl. She is sitting on the eggs and I feel bad for her but they need to be taken out. I just don't know how long to wait. Anyone out there ever had this happen?




  1. I don't have any "formal expertise" in the area, but i have had female cockatiels that have laid unfertilized eggs.

    Both cockatiels that i have had would leave the eggs to eat/drink. That's when we would take them...i felt it best to get them as soon as possible so to break any emotional bond as soon as possible so it wouldn't get stronger and stronger.

    I don't know if birds develop this but i figured the longer you wait the worse it 'would' be if that were the case.

  2. will do it asap, will i have a pair a white diamond dove and when they lay eggs i take it out about 2 or 3 day later. there is really no reason for them to be sitting on non fertilized eggs, they will just get lazy and wont do much, but after you take it away they will act the way they do again

  3. You are more than welcome to take them out when ever you want. I have two of my own at home and they lay like crazy. One of the reasons why they do lay is because they are happy with their surroundings. I also work at petco and they do it there too. She may act protective over it. There is usually 10-15 eggs laid just keep pullen em out and throwing them away.

  4. my lovebird does the same thing has so for a few years I just take em out when I clean the cage!

  5. Hard boil them and give them back to her. If you just take them out she'll keep laying more, which is bad for her health. Eventually she'll realize the eggs aren't going to hatch and give up.

    edit: Birds don't form emotional bonds with eggs, so you don't have to worry about her being depressed when they don't hatch. Also, it uses up a lot of calcium to lay eggs. If the bird isn't getting enough calcium in her diet to support egg laying, her bones will deteriorate. Laying 10-15 eggs is terrible for their health.

  6. Leave the eggs until they lose interest. If you pull the eggs out early, she will lay more eggs because her job was not done and there were no babies. Once you take the eggs out, also take the nest box off the cage, so she doesn't lay more eggs.

  7. Leave the eggs in until they lose interest, as already said.

    No they don't form a bond to them either but removing them may encourage her to continue laying throughout this season until you stop removing the eggs & this much laying is unhealthy & exhausting for her. Allow her to sit for the full incubation time. Once the end of incubation is near she will realize they are not going to hatch & she will lose interest in them. This may also help to prevent her laying more eggs for this season.

    But continuing to remove them as they're laying is encouraging continual laying & that is NOT natural!

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