
My cockatiel just threw up and his feet are starting to turn yellow?

by  |  earlier

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and he feels a little weak




  1. Give him water, keep him warm, and take him to a vet right away. Birds can get very sick, very quickly. If you can find a vet that specializes in birds, that would be best. Good luck!

  2. Take him to the vet ASAP. By the time a bird shows signs of illness it may be too late. Do not waste any time.

  3. You need to take him to an avian vet asap when they start showing signs of illness they are very very sick, and don't have a lot of time to wait to be seen and get medication.

    Keep him in a quiet area and cover most of the cage leave a little bit uncovered let him rest  a good bit but don't keep him in darkness he will not eat or drink if in total darkness and he will get weaker and more than likely die.  Try to offer him foods that are good for him, he may have eaten a food that upset his digestive tract if given foods from the table other than fresh fruits and veggies. Make sure he has fresh water as well.  Keep him in a warmer environment, if he is weak he may not be able to keep himself warm enough.  Fluffed feathers and huddling and sleeping alot are signs of illness, shivering sleeping on the bottom of the cage runny pooh or blackish pooh, sneezing, wheezing, runny nose, watery eyes, unkept feathers, clumsiness,  labored or heavy open mouthed breathing are all signs of possible illness.

  4. umu shouldprolly take him to a vet. he is prolly vry sik. and could prolly die.

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