
My coffee break is going nicely cure for all, part 1

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your grammar sucks

can we spot what is wrong with this line people. I find it laughable to be told my grammar is bad by someone that uses. No capital letter at the start of his sentence, no full stop and also uses your to start a sentence my that is terrible grammar really.

I wonder why someone reported it, it gave me a good laugh really sad who done such a thing?

Maybe he figured out his grammar was bad and deleted it?

So are the grammar police guilty of terrible grammar?

Should we just ignore them till they give advice.

Is "your grammar sucks" just not enough in this day and age. Should they rewrite the way the question should have read or the answers they attack?




  1. His grammar sucks and so does yours!

    I have made a few corrections ...

    Can we spot what is wrong with this line people? I find it laughable to be told my grammar is bad, by someone who  uses no capital letter at the start of his sentence, no full stop and also uses ‘your’ to start a sentence; my that is terrible grammar really!

    I wonder why someone reported it. It gave me a good laugh. It’s really sad. Who did such a thing?

    Maybe he figured out his grammar was bad and deleted it?

    So are the grammar police guilty of terrible grammar?

    Should we just ignore them till they give advice?

    Is "your grammar sucks" just not enough in this day and age? Should they rewrite the way the question should have read, or the answers they attack?

  2. Are you having a laugh? Not sure how to read that...

    In the question above, there are a lot of mistakes, mainly with punctuation. It's almost like an English exam question for 14 year olds, "correct the grammar and punctuation in the following paragraph..."

    The key thing about language is to be understood. If you're being understood, then it doesn't matter if your spelling is off or some grammar is wrong. However some of the stuff you've written above is hard to understand, meaning that you could maybe change it to make it better.

  3. does it really matter , so long as we all understand the question i don't think grammar is so important

    its yahoo answers not a literacy test  

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