
My college degree feels worthless.I am applying for jobs and no one will call me...what do I do to get a job?

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My college degree feels worthless.I am applying for jobs and no one will call me...what do I do to get a job?




  1. College degree need to be combined with Experince. Take the low position in the industry you interested in. Once you get some experince then you will be able to climb quickly.

  2. You don't give us enough information to really offer specific help.  Some general help:

    Apply for entry level positions that are at least related to your degree or any work experience you already have.  Pay careful attention to the job opening announcements and don't apply for jobs that you're not qualified for.

    Have a human resources professional read your resume and offer a critique.  I read one once from someone that said exactly what you're saying, nobody was calling her for interviews.  The problem was that there was a major typo on her resume - she had typed her phone number wrong.

    I've read plenty that are simply BS.  If you are applying for an entry-level job, you don't need a resume that tries to make you sound like a CEO of a major corp.  Those get trashed fast.  Also, exaggerations are considered "lies" and most companies won't hire a liar.

    Then, look at what jobs you're applying to.  Is there some reason you're not being hired and someone else is?  Of course there's a reason.  Be honest about what the reason is and fix that.

    Expect 10 resumes/applications to result in 1 interview.  10 interviews for an offer.  1 month of active searching for every $10K in income you're trying to get.

  3. i wanna know too.

  4. A good coverletter and a well written resume will help, but work experience is the key to obtain a good job.

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