
My college owes me money but can not find it, what should I do?

by  |  earlier

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Here it how it all happened -

I did not have the $800 in my bank to pay for tuition, but I did have it in cash. So I gave the money to my grandmother who then paid my tuition with her bank card. A couple months later, my grandma checked her bank statement and did not recognize the charge (and completely forgot that she paid my tuition...) and disputed the charge. The college then called me and told me that my classes were no longer paid for, so in turn, I called my grandma and found out what happened. As soon as she realized what happened, she had the bank reverse the chargeback (sending the money BACK to the school - and the bank evidently has papers to prove this). Well, the school can not find the money and I have no idea what else to do. This has been going on for almost a year and nobody can seem to find it, and I've been in contact with the head of the financial department and billing.

What should I do?




  1. Get your grandmother's memory tested.

  2. call the company phone number on the back of the card. if they have a record of payment to the school, have them mail & FAX you a copy. When you get it, make 50 copies and go to the school, giving a copy to everyone in the bursar's (or accounts payable) office.

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