
My college will pay me $7 for tutoring, is it worth it? ?

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my university is offering a Arabic tutoring position, however they only pay $7 an hour! do you think it's worth it? what benefits will i gain beside the low wage? what other benefits will i gain from tutoring Arabic to students at college?




  1. Salam. LOL hahahaah, thats how much Mcdonalds pays on hour! ugh its not worth it ! You can find a better turoing job of Arabic language at other places, trust me. Maybe at the mosque, idk. But i know they will pay more! how about this: you go to all the places you can and compare the salary at each place and decide the one you want based on the one that has the highest salary. As I always say, do not make a desicion unless you know what you are doing!

    Also, a benefit of teaching Arab lanugage is a quick revieq everytime you teach it. Research shows that people who teach things to other leanr better than other ways. My teachers told me that lol.

    One more thing: Its nice that you want to teach Arab, but if you want ot make a living and you cannot find  a job that pasy enough to live a good life, then I would suggest you find a higher paying job in a different field, such as a manager of a retail store. Just saying if this job does not work out. You could always do a Arab teaching job at the same time, too.

    one more thing(lol)-think about how your job affects your college money-make sure its in a good way!

  2. Teach Quran

    Allah will give you reward.

  3. No way, that's too low. More than double that is worth it.

  4. No, I don't think it's worth it.. $7?

    Unless you like helping others and meeting new people, then this might be a good job for you. But I guess It's always good to have a job durring your college years so you can help pay off your college money!

  5. it's honest money and if you want to work then do it. you will still get blessings especially from teaching muslim students who don't speak arabic. if it means that much,sit down w/ them and see if they can pay you at least 2 dollars more. and if you're lessons only a hr a session the more students you have the more 7 bucks accumulates.

  6. I love it.  I tutor math for $8 an hour at my school.

    The coolest thing about my job is that I can work for an hour between classes, and then come back again, work for another couple of hours, then go to another class, etc....

    If I wasn't tutoring, I'd just be trying to study while a bunch of empty headed morons talked at the table right next to me.  So, it's easier for me to study when I get home, and work as a math tutor in my down time at school.

    You will also be able to show this job on a resume, of course.  It's not the best job to have on there, but it beats the heck out of "waiting tables at Chili's" or "drive-thru window at McDonald's".  Employers are impressed by jobs like this one.

  7. $7 isn't enough for me.

    p.s. First person to answer this question get best answer ->

  8. It is a good gig.  I tutored chemistry and mathematics students for a couple semesters in college.  You do not have to leave campus to go to work.  You do not have to dress up.  You meet all sorts of new people that are not in your classes.  


    You can give the students you phone number and tell them you are available to tutor off campus.  There you can charge more, work according to your schedule and make some money under the table (unless, of course, doing that would be contrary to your religious teachings).

  9. better than nothing

  10. seven dollars? that is hardly worth the time, especially if your to teach a foreign language... back when i was in college, i was a math tutor, and i would get payed 15 dollars an hour...of course our economy was much more stable than the present times...

  11. The questions are:

    Are there any positions offering more?

    Will the benefits of being a tutor outweigh the cons of the wages?

    And finally, are you a student then? Because $7 may not be much, but it's surely better than nothing.

  12. As long as it's not a job for career reasons, but a job on the side is fine. It's something to put on your resume! !

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