
My computer automatically shows large letters every time I log on why?

by  |  earlier

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I always have to go through the control panel and change my settings to 1024 by 780 (I think) but why is doing that every time I log on to my account and how do I change it where it doesn't continue to do that? Thank you for any and all responses!




  1. Download DESKTOPSAVE


    DesktopSave will let you save and restore screen resolution, gamma settings and desktop icons position. Because all users can save their own desktop settings program will create SAV file in this format: (in Application folder) [machinename]_desktop_[username].sav


    If u have Nvidia Graphics card[Or any graphics card]..All you have to do is go to the desktop, right click, go to Nvidia Control Panel[Graphic card settings], Click Display, Click Change Resolution Attributes, Set to wanted resolution.

    Now, save this and quit out of it. Right click on desktop and hit Properties. Go to Display Settings. Change the resolution there. Save it. Close, and you're done!! Restart and test out on sleep mode.

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