
My computer doesn't work. how do I fix it.?

by  |  earlier

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I'm using a friends junk computer, I have a Gateway, 3.5 ghz, 4 Gb Ram, pentium 4, it is about 4 or 5 years old, recently a friend downloaded some crazy virus, and now the thing won't even boot up, it just boots for a few seconds and when it comes to the xp screen it blue screens and restarts.

I called gateway and they don't support it anymore. What do I need to get the computer working again like new, would a copy of Windows work? anything in specific, and if that will work, how would i go about finding all new drivers?




  1. Why do you think it's a virus?  Today's viruses don't work like 1995 viruses, they're meant to rob you blind w/o you knowing that they are there.  It can't steal your credit card numbers from a dead machine.

    This sounds more like a windows xp problem.  Have you tried booting in safe mode or off the recovery CD?

  2. If you have a copy of XP, all you need to do is place the CD in the tray and boot up.  The CD will boot the PC and ask you if you want to do an install.  You'll say yes and let it format the hard drive and put on a new XP without any other software.  

    Usually you can find drivers at the various manufacturers web sites.

    The download Avast antivirus and spybot.  Both are free.

  3. Yes, put the O.S. installer disk in and repair or replace the old system.

    If you can get into BIOS to set it to boot the cd player first, you are in good shape.

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