
My computer generates too much heat what do i do?

by Guest58239  |  earlier

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everywhere in my house is cooler but my room and i'm pretty sure its cause of the computer what can i do for the computer not to generate so much heat, its a pretty new computer i had it just for like a year so what can i do?




  1. look at the power saver options on the computer (control panel - power options) and set every option for max savings.

    Did you buy a lot of options for gaming? PC usually don't generate more than 200 watts of heat. Portables 20-50 watts.

    But biggest is to turn it off when not in use.

    A fan does nothing except spread the heat around, plus add the heat from the fan's motor. Fans do not cool!

  2. Turn off the computer, or buy one that consumes less power.  No other options exist.

  3. Buy a bigger or additional fan to cool the computer, if it is really the computer making your room hot.  Maybe it's just the location of your room or the insulation or something.  Hope this helps.

  4. you can install a fan that cools down the CPU. also, it can come with this gel you put on the CPU before put the fan on and it reduces heat alot. I have one on my my comp, works great!

  5. Keeping your computer cool actually makes the circuits significantly more efficient, and so it needs less power.  A CPU at 40 degrees C, for example, might consume 65W, but at 80 degrees C it will consume 100W.  So keep your computer cooler by making sure it's well-ventilated.  Get an external fan to blow hot air away, and bring in cooler air.

    Also, if you have central AC, you can get a mount for your air duct that will suck cool air to your room faster.

  6. Heat comes from both the computer and monitor. If you use high power fast video card and cpu and very large  screen, they generate heat. Some thing like 300 watts light bulbs in your room. Put more computer fans only cooling down the cpu . The heat still remains in your room.

    Solution:  the expensive way: install a small air conditioner like 5000 BTU. It costs you to pay more electricity.

    Less expensive: put more large in door fans. Open one slot in front of computer (the empty drive slot,it covers with a piece of plastic panel,move it away). Blow the wind into it. Do not forget to keep all the windows open in your room.

    The cheapest way: move the computer into basement,it alway 5 to 10 degrees lower than upstair. If you do not have a basement,move to a bigger room with higher ceiling and many windows,put the computer in the center   of room. Add a ceiling fan also help,it only costs a 60 watts power for the ceiling fan.

    Clean the dust away from the computer every month, it help to lower the heat inside the cpu,it shall last longer life. Add more system fans to the computer, it is cheap and easy to install.

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