
My computer has a cracked screen and has viruses, is it worth fixing?

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My computer has a cracked screen and has viruses, is it worth fixing?




  1. Hmm, if you want to keep your data, you could either replace the screen if you want to, and/or get a free virus protector from c-net or you could buy a virus protector [you'll get better virus protection if you buy]. or you could buy a new computer and migrate all of your data or the data you want to migrate. you can hire a professional to do that.

  2. no way. get a new one.

  3. a computer is only as good as its guts. If it has goor ram memory and a good processor. Download AVG free to get rid of your viruses and you can get free monitors on local waste disposal websites. If it's a laptop, you can use it to weigh the bin down in case it blows away!

  4. get a new screen and re install windows

  5. that's a question you need to answer. is it worth it to you to fix it or replace it.

  6. no its cheaper to buy a new one in the long run. Plus new ones are pretty  

  7. if it runs ok why not get a new screen and a free antivirus a lot cheaper in the long run

  8. New monitors are cheap now and anti-virus software is free.

  9. It's time for a new computer.

  10. i think it would be cheaper to buy a new computer than get it fixed  

  11. You can get a replacement screen and depending on how old your computer is then you could get some upgrades or a new rig altogether.  

  12. You can buy a new computer relatively cheaply so might not be worth getting the old one fixed.

  13. no

  14. new one

  15. If it just has viruses, you can fix it by reinstalling the OS, but a cracked screen is not good. I would either just get a whole new system or get a new screen and reinstall the OS.

  16. yeah, if its a decient puter. to fix the virus problem, just install a new operating system.

    then its up to you if you want to replace to monitor.

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