
My computer is so slow I can barely check my e-mail..suggestions?

by Guest11033  |  earlier

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I can't afford to take it anywhere so what else can I try?




  1. Download Error Smart.   I have a new computer. (15 months old)  Dell with the latest windows and I still gather about 60 errors, (which slow down a computer), every month.  Error Smart cleans them all up and my computer runs super fast.

  2. do not use any software just defrage your HD! dont be noob!!!!!!!! lmao

  3. There is a nice article on slow computer and its solution.Have a look on this.It may help you to resolve your issue.

  4. Is it the interenet are the computer, computer run disk cleanup and disk defrag. also open up msconfig got to startup and clear all boxes and restart click ok it will keep the computer from opening up un needed programs which means it can run fasted also try running anti virus there are free ones such as AVG are Avast I on a personally note perfer avast but your choice. go to pcpitstop they offer free testing of your entire system for free. Good luck

  5. It also would help to go to and get Adaware 2008 and Spybot Search and Destroy (both are free).  Run both programs and you should notice a large increase in speed if any spyware or malware were detected.  

  6. First, what kind of internet connection do you have?  If you have a router (dsl, satellite, etc), try pulling the power plug from the back of it for a few seconds - this resets it.

    Look at the system tray - all the icons next to the clock.  Are there a ton of things running?  Sadly, every program you install thinks you want it every time.  :s   Turn them off - open them and look in their preferences and uncheck "start with windows" - or something like that.

    You can also look for a Start Up folder in your program folders (start, programs, start up) and see what shortcuts are in there and remove them.  You're not deleting anything, just shortcuts.

    You can easily clean temp files by doing this:

    Start, Run, %temp% and delete all you can.  They are created every time you turn on a program and should be deleted but sometimes don't get deleted.

    Two cheap upgrades you might consider are RAM and Video Card.  Check with your computer specifications (avail on manufacturer site) and see what the max is you can  have and what type it needs.  They are easy and affordable to do yourself.

    OH, AND the other thing that can slow you down is spyware and malware.  Run an antivirus scan AND a spyware scan.  I put some links for free services for these.

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