
My computer says ''please uprade you're system's memory'', because i want to install an antivirus...?

by  |  earlier

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im not quite sure what it means. i dont want to have to buy a bigger memory or something. i tried to delete some documents but that didn't help at all, so i dont know if thats the problem. is there something i can delete to get the memory that i need?

P.S. im trying to download an antivirus, thats why i need the memory, and this is the whole message:: A minimum RAM of 512MB is required for this software. Your system has 479MB of RAM. To install this software, please upgrade your system's physical memory.





  1. Memory isn't that expensive anymore, your best bet would be to upgrade the memory. More than likely you do have 512 mbs but if you use on board graphics part of your memory becomes dedicated to the graphics.

  2. When you delete stuff you are freeing up hard drive space, not memory. In order to use that antivirus you're going to need a memory upgrade (RAM). Memory is cheap. You can get a gig of memory for $25 online, although you're going to need someone to help you that knows that they're doing. Try to find someone that knows a little bit!! Otherwise you could just go to Best Buy and they'll help you (although I hate recommending them because anything Geek Squad related is heinously overpriced).

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