
My computer says "A network cable is unplugged" even though it isn't. Can't use the internet when it happens.

by  |  earlier

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About twice a day a little thing pops up in the bottom right corner of the screen and says "a network cable is unplugged" out of nowhere. I don't touch any wires when I use the computer, it just happens randomly. Then the light on my modem that says online goes off and I can't use the internet. When I open the netowrk connections thing in the control panel it says it's connected, but I can't get on sites and stuff. Then I leave and 10-15 minutes later the internet is working fine again. Then later on it does the same thing again. Yes I'm sure I'm not touching the wires.




  1. It's probably an issue with your modem or router (if you use one). You might want to call your ISP (if you dont use a router) when it happens. If you use a router, disconnect it and just go straight to the modem to see if the router is faulty.

  2. Well, the big clue here is "Then the light on my modem that says online goes off and I can't use the internet."  Your computer will show the cable unplugged if either end stops working! In this case you modem stops so your cable is unplugged.  You have a MODEM issue. Modems or routers, when they go offline, do take a little time to reconnect. When they go off your computer will show a network cable unplugged.. If you don't believe that, pull the power off on the modem and see what happens! Your computer will show the network cable unplugged.

    The fact that it does come back tells me your modem is shutting down, then coming back. (It shouldn't!)

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