
My computer sounds like it is about to take off?

by  |  earlier

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There is a winding noise, that won't stop, even after I've rebooted. Also, it is very slow, as if I had dial-up! I've defragged, compressed, and performed the task of 'clean disk'

Can someone give me good advice?




  1. clean the inside, specially the fan and cpu

  2. If its making a noise, its 1 of 2 things... Either the fan is going up which could cause the PC to be slower, or most likely, its your Hard Drive.  Save all of your info onto a disk or another hard drive.. Sounds like that one is about to die...  Also, check to make sure the HD is secure in its position just to be sure.

  3. whatever be more specific

  4. Could be a thermal issue slowing things down.

    Clean the inside of the PC, especialy the fans.

    Try to identify where the sound is comming from.

    I use a can of air,but do it outside so you dont get everything inside your house dusty.

    Also, stear clear of any motherboard jumpers.

    You don;t want them blowing away with the dust.

    If it's still making the sound after cleaning you will probably have to replace the whining component; most likely a fan.


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