
My computer/youtube wont work?

by  |  earlier

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my internet wont let me go to youtube anymore. i type in youtube at the top of the page and then my internet like stops working and saying that the internet isnt responding.

What do i do??!!




  1. Could be several things.

    1) It could be that YouTube themselves is flaking out. It happens. In this case, wait. It'll clear up. If it worked before, it'll work again.

    2) Could be that the cable modem or DSL modem you have, if you have broadband, needs a restart. You do that by unplugging the power and replugging it and wait for the diagnostics to run through (you can tell when it blinks at regular intervals and then stops that and starts blinking randomly).

    3) It could be because of this: The iBoss is, I think, what parents use to keep their kids from going to sites like YouTube. In fact YouTube is a commonly blocked site. If so then there's nothing I can do for you. Ask your parents to lift the ban.

    4) Of course then your 'rents may be savvy enough to use the filter on your router. Same as above.

    5) There also could be ISP side parental locks as well that your parents requested. Same as above. The ISP side parental filtering is a common feature of today's ISP services.

  2. Could be a couple of things.Ask your parents if they have blocked the site. If they haven't, go to another site to check your internet connection. If that works, then click on Tools on your browser page, Internet options, Privacy, Sites, scroll down to see if the site is blocked. If it is, right click and Allow.

  3. Yeah your parents or some one who doesn't want you to surf youtube  blocked you. Still you can try these instructions: Read them carefully and follow each step:

  4. maybe try a differant internet server?

  5. get new internet

  6. relax.

    just restart your internet

    or restart your computer.

    or if you live with your parents they may have blocked the site.

    ask them?

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