
My conception date is being challenged by the father!!!?

by Guest62055  |  earlier

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I recently found out I was pregnant with triplets. My doctor told me I was 13 weeks along.

In talking to the father, ( we have two kids together already) he is challenging me and my Dr. He said there is no way he could be the father because I conceived the first week in June. Simple math would say he is right and my Dr. is wrong. But I've gone on pregnancy websites and added the information required and I am calculated at 14 weeks.

My last period was May 21.

According to the caluculation on the website, I conceived on Jun 4. That adds up to when we were together, ( we live in different states so I know when I have s*x with him)

Could someone please explain to me how the weeks are calculated so I can tell this moron to drop dead. Unlike him, I've never slept around! I know he is the father and am deeply hurt and offended he is suddenly challenging me.





  1. They calculate how many weeks using your last menstrual period. You actually conceived 2 weeks later, close to June 3rd/4th.

  2. Pregnancy is calculated by the first day of your LMP or last menstrual period. Which actually puts you 2 weeks ahead of your conception theoretically, that is if you ovulate on the 14th day of your cycle. Which it looks like is real close based on your dates. To get the correct calculation go back to when you last had s*x (conception) and then count back another 2 weeks, and then you will have what week your pregnancy is.

  3. Your man sounds like a complete moron!  I'm sorry, but just being honest!!!  And I must ask you...WHY?  Why are you having more kids with a man who isn't supporting the ones you already have?  And he is a cheater too?  Girl, I wouldn't care what he says about the dates.... I'd care about getting rid of him fast!!!

    Tell him to get some education on conception! If he is old enough to have s*x and make babies, he should know about the rest!!!

    Get rid of this man. He isn't worth the stress and you are going to have plenty of that soon with Triplets.  Good Luck Girl!!!

  4. It is based on your LMP and then they say CD 14 but that doesn't mean that you actually ovulated at that time.  DId you have an early ultrasound to confirm duedate?  I know I had s*x then ovulated 5 days later so my "conception date" isn't the day I actually had s*x.  Men who don't want children (or more children) will do anything to try to prove they aren't the father that is just how they are.  If you are sure then that is all that matters.  

  5. I know what you are going through. My husband told me that our son wasn't his because he looked nothing like him!! I thought that was ridiculous!! I never slept around and the baby doesn't necessarily have to look like the dad I mean it could look like the mom!! The only way to prove him is by a DNA test when the baby is born. Prove him wrong you can do it right when the baby is bron ask at the hospital. GOOD LUCK!

  6. They calculate by the first day of your last period.  You conceived about 2 weeks later.  I know where you are coming from.  Mine has done that the me with our first and I believe he will do it again with this one too.  Best of luck and forget him.  You don't need him.

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