
My condensation dryer was not heating up. ?

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The repair person said there was a short circuit in the wall. Why?

Someone had put lots of towels in it with sand. Could this have been the problem and it short circuited the dryer? If there was a short circuit in the wall then wouldn't the dryer not work at all?





  1. are you talking about a clothes dryer? you did not state whether the unit was running or not. If it ran and did not heat up , probably a heating element and not a problem in the wall. sand certainly is not good for it, but I doubt it would cause an electrical problem.

  2. Personally I would think the problem is on the dryer and not in the wall.

    You could tr plugging something else into the wall socket & see if it works. (eg kettle). If it does, it could be the fuse in the plug has blown.

    Other than that I can only thin the dryer may have died.

    Good luck. h

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