
My confusion and trouble with thinking is starting to intefere daily, stopping lexapro tommorrow please read?

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For the last few months, I have been dealing with confusion and it seems like my memory is just going away. I am having trouble coming up with the right words to say and just having difficulty understanding the nature of conversations. It is like there is this fuzzy feeling in my head that is eating my thoughts alive, and is making me so blank at all times. I was thinking that it could be the withdrawl effects of lexapro, but from reading various posts, it seems kinda uncommon that this med would cause all this. I dont understand why just doing basic tasks such as communicating and finding words would get so difficult for me. I am really lost, what should I do?




  1. Garret, have you discussed all this with your doctor.  This is NOT withdrawal from Lexapro, which as long as its done gradually with a doctor's supervision, of all medications, is relatively easy.  Your doctor needs to know your symptoms and you need to consult a neurologist and your symptoms.

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