
My consistency for my jump serve isn't good? Help??

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when my serve is on then i usually get aces but lately i have had a lot more errors than usual. what am i doing wrong.




  1. just make sure your toss is on whether you toss with the hand you hit or not or throw it short or high.  what ever your comfortable with make sure you consistant and you will get them over.  remember... its better to just get it in than always try for an ace and miss

  2. Two main answers.  

    Your toss could be inconsistent.  

    The other possibility could be n your mental approach.  When you first started jump serving, you just wanted the serve to go in.  After you got some aces, you are trying for aces.  Just concentrate on a good toos and good contact and the ball should go in.  If you get your serves in, the aces will happen on their own.

  3. Your toss is probably the most important.  Try and make sure you have a consistant toss.  If you see the toss is off then don't try and kill it, just put some nice top spin on the ball and place it deep of try and practice a deep jump knuckler, it works really well and can catch the other passers off guard.  Surprisingly very effective.

  4. It all starts with the toss.  If you can get a good consistent toss then everything will start to fall into place.  Without a consistent toss you'll never know where the ball will be when you make contact on the serve.

  5. You say it.  Consistency.

    consistent toss.

    consistent take off.

    consistent timing.

    consistent serve.

    have fun playing.

  6. Make sure you are consistent with your routine.

    If you bounce the ball 3 times make sure you do it each time. If you change it occasionally, this can throw your timing out.

    Also, take your time and think about your serve from start to end (visualize it in your mind). If you rush it, it can really put you off.

    Hope this helps.

  7. getting aces isnt as important as getting the ball over the net.

    do your best. practice as much as possible.

    you might want to ask your coach/teammates/friends to help you with your jump serve. good luck!

  8. your jump serve is just like a spike, exept from farther away from the net, so just aproach it like any old kill, just with some extra power

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