
My contact got stuck in my eye?

by  |  earlier

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I was rubbing my eye(with my contacts in) so it was fully closed and when i opened my eye it was all blurry after checking in a mirror i cant see it in my eye at all so it must have gone into the back, iv tried everything i know its definitly there because my eye was closed when i rubbed it and iv put drops in and prodded and poked and even slept on it. the opticians are closed shall i just wait for my eye to naturally flush it out




  1. Have someone help you look for it. Basically what you want to do is pull down both your top and bottom eyelids. Have someone take a flashlight and look around for the blue tint that is on the outsides of the contact. Its not definite that its still in your eye though because sometimes it can get attached to your eyelashes and fall out without you realizing it. If you have tried everything and your sure it is still in your eye, maybe you should go to the ER. You can also look up local opticals around your area that do emergencies or have different hours.

  2. The lens cannot get stuck behind the eye.  At worst, it folds up and lodges under your lid, generally the upper one.  As suggested above, have someone look under your lid for the edge.  If you don't specifically feel it, odds are it isn't there.  I have patients all the time who've lost the lens out of the eye and didn't feel it.  If it's there, go to the eye doctor to have it removed if you can't reach it yourself.

  3. That happened to me once and I closed my eyes for a while and move them to the sides, up and down, every direction for a little while, I also put some of that product for dry eyes and the contact lense came out.

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