
My contacts????? ahhhh

by  |  earlier

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i put in my contacts today and my eyes started BURNING really bad like i fell down because of the burning and slight blur for a few seconds. What can this be?




  1. I don't know, but I think that it would be the best to go to your eye doctor and ask him/her about the problem that you were having. They will probably know what is wrong and why that happened.

  2. Did you have make up on?

    Were they in a clean place overnight and in the clean solution?

  3. have u ever worn contacs before?

  4. what up do you contract me?

  5. your contacts could be sitting in solution to long...that happens to me sometimes and it because i leave my contacts in the solution for to long

  6. You probably didnt wash your hands good before you put them in. Also, it could be because you had them in facing the wrong way; didn't rinse the lenses good.

  7. u put them the wrong way or they are old.

  8. you might need a new pair of contacts...take them out and rinse them with saline

  9. your eyes could be dryed out

  10. Did you make sure they were clean?  Because if they weren't, that can cause an irritation.  If you did clean your contacts with solution, and it's clean, then your problem can be that your contacts are ripped.  Or perhaps your contacts are inside-out?  If its neither of these three things, then you should contact your doctor.
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