
My contacts really bother me.?

by  |  earlier

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I am currently wearing acuvue oaysis contacts and they're very dry and bothering me a lot.

I used to wear contacts everyday all day but have since stopped wearing them. I went to the eye doctor about a year after I had stopped wearing them because I wanted to start wearing them again. But they bother me so much and because of that I dont wear them everyday. I told my eye doctor my situation and he gave me acuvue oaysis it worked great for a day but then a day later they bother me.

I clean them really well however I use target brand contacts solution (its cheaper) so I'm afraid thats my problem. Can someone help me? I really love wearing contacts but they bother me soo much.




  1. i use them and yeah i cant wear them everyday.

    my opometrists gave me this eye drop stuff for moisture if your wearing them for long periods so maybe ask for that?

    ew you wear contacts from target??

    ew no wonder

    forgetr everything i said use good ones

  2. Are you using hard contact lenses or disposal lenses?

    If you're using hard ones, use disposal lenses (once a day), I've been wearing them for the past two years with no problems at all. Can't even feel them. At first it was a little annoying to change them everyday, but its a routine you get used to.

  3. im also a contact wearer (if thats a word) obviously, or otherwise i wouldn't be answering this. haha. anyways... do you know if you are allergic to anything? my contacts were bothering me for awhile to so i went to the eye doctor.  she checked out my eyes and found out that i have little rids bumps under my eyelids and whenever i would close my eyes, my contacts would 'catch' a little bit.  she prescribed some eye drops and they have been a lot better.  i would suggest checking this out. good luck!

  4. it could be the solution...but it could just be that your eyes are still adjusting to it. and always make sure ur contacts are perfectly clean and that u change the solution in ur case every day.

  5. i think you should try a new brand. If the new brand doesn't work then you should try going to your doctor and getting regular glasses. If you dont want glasses then ask the doctor to give you something else, but im pretty sure its the brand.

  6. I tried those contacts...and did not like them. They irritated my eyes as well... most *cheaper* brand items are made the exact same.  So its not the solution, but the contacts.  I'd get a different brand.  I'm back to using the brand acuvue advance..they seem to be the best for me...Try those if you haven't already. Good luck!

  7. try the daily disposables, I doubt it is the lens solution

  8. maybe try switching your solution?

    ask your optometrist again.

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