
My cories had <span title="egss?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?">egss?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!...</span>

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my tank has only been running for 2 months is now holding my first cory spawn. My 2 and only 2 cories, jar jar (pepered cory) and spots (julii cory) had eggs. when will they hatch? what should i do with them? how should i care for them? they are in a tank with a mating pair of guppies and a snail. I put them in a breeder net. also how can you tell if they are fertilized or not?




  1. If they are a brown-ish color, then your eggs have been fertilized and you can remove them to a net within the tank to hatch. If they&#039;re white, or fuzzy, you should throw them away; they&#039;re infertile and fungused. Not sure if a cross between peppered and julii will be viable, so color is best indication.

    Cory cats are very easy to raaise, depending on the breed. If they&#039;re fertilized, the eggs should darken for a few days, then hatch. The newly hatched fish should be fed First Bites or any other commercially available fry food. Within a week to 10 days you should be able to see them better, and they&#039;ll be able to take bits of algae tablets twice a day. Two months old, they can be released into the tank.

  2. Put the snail in another tank...or keep him separated or he will gobble em up.  

    I have had my Cories mate 3 times in 1.5 months.  The guppies may eat a few.  But the thing is...they have a lot of eggs usually and if they have been fertilized then they will hatch within 3-5 days.  If they are white with &quot;fuzz&quot; growing on them after a couple of days...they were not fertilized...but leave them in the tank for a couple of days to make sure.  Its great supplemental food for the Snail and the guppies.

    Also, mine didn&#039;t turn brown...they stayed clear white (opec) for the ones that hatched.  The first time I removed most of the eggs and still had fry.  The second time...I let the snail and Pleco have at it...due to over 120 plus eggs and not a lot fungisizied.  Either way, didn&#039;tnt have the room for the fry then andidn&#039;tnt really want lots of Cories.  The third time...well had some and gave to friends...the other guessed it.supplementalal food.

    The fry will hide in the gravel and plants...and should be OK...but the guppies will try to eat them.

    If you dont want them, take a credit card or a razor blade and scrap them off...or just leave em for the snail.  If you do keep a few and they develop and such...then you will have more than 2 which is recommended for these social fish...they like 3 or more.

    Best of Luck!

  3. I&#039;ve had this happen to random time over my fish keeping years career and I just let them stay. I had marbles at the bottom of my tank so when the fry hatched they lived in the marbles and ate the food that fell through until they got big enough. I don&#039;t know if two different kinds of corys can breed though. I&#039;ve always had the same kind of corys always. that I think about it the corys have a mating dance, the cory &quot;T&quot; where the female is the lower part of the t and sucks the sperm out and it goes to her eggs and fertilizes maybe. Gosh. I&#039;ve never actually done anything with the eggs and then ended up with like 20 corys.  

  4. did u ask this question earlier if not anyway they will hatch within 1 week and u should isolate the eggs from other fish or they will be eaten if they are not fertilized they will be pure white eggs with no black bits/eyes in the egg  

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