
My corn snake eggs are dimpled???

by  |  earlier

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Please could someone tell me if my eggs are going to be ok? they are dimpling, i have sprayed them with warm water because i heard that the environment wasnt damp enough and we have tried to put a little water in the bottom of the box to create more condensation yet they are still dimpled, we havent turned them although the incubater did get knocked off and fall, the eggs appear un harmed and they were placed back in the incubater in the same positions, not all of them are this way, only 3, the temp is at 28 degrees and we have 15 eggs in total, thanx in advance for any answers x




  1. 28 degrees? i hope you meant 82F. and when did your corns lay? its kinda late in the season for first clutch eggs to be incubating( im assuming this is your first cause of the nature of your question). all my eggs have already hatched for the year and are in their new homes already.e-mail me and maybe we can go over this

    p.s. spraying the eggs is ok for a quick fix.if its a humidity issue

  2. it sounds like you have a humidity problem.Dont spray the eggs direct but wet the substrate you have them on.The tub they are in should have little or no ventilation (as many top breeders now practise).It has been found that there is a greater hatch percentage with no ventilation as the humidity is kept in the box and from putting the eggs in there to taking out your hatchlings,no human intervention is needed.if you do want to put some ventilation in then just put a couple of 2mm holes in each side of the tub.

    The eggs are dimpled due to dehydration and once the humidity is back up they will pop back out again.

  3. dont spray directly on the eggs.

    are they fertile? if they are infertile they will dimple and dry up.

    this is probably because they were drying out, and the humidity isnt high enough

    some eggs dimple and end up being viable  

  4. I am not a breeder, but there are many experts on the corn forum in the breeding section and I would ask them:

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