
My corn snake is about 1 years old and i think it mite be sick ?

by  |  earlier

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it use to come out during the day and alot at night but i never see it anymore except when i cheak on it < since i havn't seen it i been taking out to play just to make sure u know its not dead or anyhting it has never done this be 4 it was always active during the day morning i would look under its log and it would be there but now its always at the bottom of the tank it was really light pink when i got it now it really dark pink and orange it's eyes dont change to milky blue or change at all when it sheeds and it behavior when it sheeds is the same 2 so its kinda hard to tell i didn't see any flacks sticking up or anyhting and i tried soaking it but it wont stay their unless it wants to [during sheeding] its almost i would say 2 feet not really fat and i feed it 2 times a week should i bring it 2 the vet? or will it pass its been going on for about a week and 3 days everything is the same temperature, lighting,heating,everything?? plz help thnxs




  1. ive never had one of my snakes do this before.

    i know mine come out alot during the night also but during the day they dont move at all unless its feeding day.

    i would say wait a bit longer and if nothing changes dont take it to a vet but first take it to a reptile store cus they will be able to help alot and their always free for that.

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