
My corn snakes gone mad please help

by  |  earlier

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my cornsnake, fluffy is 18mnths old and always been very docile and as loving as a snake can be. ( i also have a baby 1 chardonay)

but last night as i moved his branch i think i startled him, then i left him but hes been hissing and strinking at me now and i dont know why,

i left him in the dasrk 4 a while 2 calm down but hes never ever coiled up so high like he did, hes not fed inside his tank and the little one is in a seperate tank.

i love my snake dearly and am quite upset that hes behaved like this, should i see a vet???

i have not tried to handle him today.

please help. thanks




  1. Try feeding him! snakes when full usually are inactive after eating.

  2. I don't know anything about snakes, but our chihuahua did that to me and I had to get him fixed. He loves me now. Do snakes get high levels of testosterone like dogs? I don't know. After I got Jose' (our chihuahua) fixed I had to do a lot of kissing up to him. I would bring him treats and give him a lot of love and he came back around after all of the testosterone left his body. (about 2 weeks). But snakes are much different than dogs I would think. Give him some time, maybe he is just agitated for no apparent reason. Hopefully he get's over it.

  3. lol i have a pyton call fluffy.. you propey juist scared him a bit leave him a another day if he is still acting strange take him to the vets.

  4. i think you should call a vet i have a coresnake and mine never did that to me uless it was hurt may be its hurting of maybe your moving to fast when you go to pick him up and did he shed lately because they get really tender when they are about to shed or just shed i hope this helps good luck

  5. just leave him alone for a day and spoil him abit the next day but dont over feed him :)

  6. he\she's probably fed up of corn!

  7. Poor you and snake.  Perhaps you could let him have a shallow bowl / plate of water to bathe in to cool him down.  I don't know anything about snakes though.

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