
My corydora........?

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when i got my corydora 2 years ago, it was all alone.. and sooo tiny..and now.. its still alone..., the only coradora*now i know i should have more than 1 lol.. but its in a 10 gallon.....should i get more? or is 10 gallon to small..




  1. Definitely! I have 13 in one tank (50 gallons). Get him at least 2 more companions. You could probably have 5 or 6.

  2. Get a few more.  Corydora are not messy fish so you can stock a few with little impact on water quality.

  3. Yes, please get him more buddies. Depending on how much fish you have in your tank, varies how many you can add. Also, I would get him a corydora that is the same species. Corydoras are very social fish. They hang around in groups all the time and school together. They would be really happy.

    Any fish can live by themselves, but having company is always better!

  4. Cory's like to be in groups of atleast 3 so i would go ahead and get 2 more. a 10 gallon is fine for 3-4 corys... as long as you didnt overstock with other fish.

    EDIT: btw they each grow around  6 cm or 2 1/2 inches
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